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AJR (Association of Jewish Refugees)

Web link: AJR main website Web link: Downloadable copies of the AJR Journal

Providing social and welfare services to holocaust refugees and survivors in the UK, the AJR is also active in staging events and publishes a journal.


The AJR are a principal supporter of the Dunera Interest Group and collaborate with us and assist in the staging of our events thus helping to extend their reach.

British Museum

Web link: Dunera material in the collection

The British Museum collection includes a number of works by artists associated with the Dunera

Dunera Association

Web link: Dunera Association home Web link: Dunera News

The Dunera News has over the years carried many interesting articles and personal stories. The search feature on the news page is limited, and to find articles it is in fact preferable to use the small search icon (magnifying glass) top right of the screen and then enter your search term in the area which will appear immediately below the header and use the big blue ‘search’ button. This will identify Dunera News stories you may be looking for.

Dunera Museum, Hay

Web link: Dunera Museum home page

The Dunera Museum is at Hay, close to the location where internees were initially held.

Dunera Stories – Monash University

Web link: Dunera Stories

This website holds a wealth of information about many individuals who travelled to Australia on the Dunera.

Enemy Aliens – Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre

Web link: Dunera dossier

Walter Dunn, who was on the Dunera and interned in Australia eventually immigrated to Canada in 1948

Friends of the Dunera Boys

Web link: Friends of the Dunera Boys (Facebook Group)

A private Facebook group with many well-informed members who exchange information.

German Jewish Genealogy Special Interest Group

Web link: German Jewish genealogy SIG (Facebook Group)

Gratz College

Web link: Dunera testimonies in oral history archive

The Holocaust oral history archive is one of the largest and oldest of its kind in the United States

Imperial War Museum

Web link: Sound recordings

Among the many resources linked to the Dunera in the IWM archives are sound recordings of interviews which have been made available online. These include internees and others such as J.D. Layton who was sent out to Australia to interview the internees and encourage their joining the Pioneer Corps. His account of the Dunera starts at the end of the first session.

Kitchener camp

Web link: Home page Web link: Dunera related records Web link: List of names

Kitchener transit camp in Kent was for many refugees arriving at the outbreak of war their first place of refuge in the UK. German and Austrian refugees were moved on from this location following the outbreak of war as it was deemed too close to the coast. Many went to the Isle of Man and some found themselves on the Dunera being shipped to Australia. (See Dunera related records above).

Loveday Lives

Web link: History

A few of the Dunera internees were moved from Tatura to Loveday camp in Australia.

National Archives of Australia

Web link: Home page Web link: Collection Search

The National Archives of Australia hold extensive official records relating to internees. Use the collection search with keywords of names, or even just ‘Dunera’. You can limit results with dates and set advanced options.

National Archives UK

Web link: Search results for Dunera

A simple search on ‘Dunera’ is in the above link. You can narrow your search with advanced options.

National Museum Australia

Web link: Dunera Boys

Along with a history of the Dunera the National Museum Australia offers classroom resources on the subject along with related material.

Refugee map

Web link: Refugee Map home Web link: Dunera related material mapped.

A major resource discovery project featuring material held by the Wiener Holocaust Library.

State Library New South Wales

Web link: Home page Web link: Digitised Dunera material Web link: Dunera material in the library

The library of New South Wales holds important collections related to the Dunera and the internment of those who were shipped from the UK.

Tatura Museum

Web link: Home page

Following a period at Hay in Australia the majority of Dunera internees (those who had not returned to the UK) were moved to continue internment in Tatura.

The Wiener Holocaust Library

Web link: Home page Web link: Catalogue search for Dunera Web link: Refugee Map

The world’s oldest institution devoted to the study of the holocaust, its causes and legacies. The library holds an extensive collection of papers from refugees and families including Dunera related material.


The website is a significant resource discovery site building on material in the Wiener Holocaust Library

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